You can report potential fire hazards. Reports of situations that may cause a fire hazard, include:
The City will issue summonses and violations when appropriate.
NYC Residential Code:
1 RCNY§103-04 CHAPTER 100 Subchapter C Maintenance of Buildings
NYC Lead Paint Repair Grant for Landlords
The City may provide grants to help eligible landlords fix lead paint hazards in their buildings. These grants cannot be used to fix violations or other work ordered by any city, state or federal agency. You can get information about program eligibility requirements and an application. Call 311 for information about lead paint repair grants.
Some renovation and remodeling activities can increase the risk of lead exposure. Homes built before 1978 contain lead-based paint, often under newer paint. If you disturb the painted surface with a repair project or are planning to renovate or remodel an older home, it’s important to do the job safely. Lead paint dust or chips can cause serious health problems. Children and pregnant women are at highest risk.
Seal off the work area with plastic sheeting and always wet sand or wet scrape the paint. When surfaces are wet, dust levels and fumes are low. Clean up thoroughly. Children and pregnant women should stay away from work areas until the area is clean.
Learn more about how to do repairs and renovations in a lead-safe way with the materials below.
7. Every fire-escape if constructed of material subject to rusting shall be painted with two or more coats of good paint in contrasting colors; in the case of a new fire-escape the first coat before erection, and the second coat after erection. Whenever a fire-escape becomes rusty, the owner shall repaint it with two additional coats of good paint. 8. a. Whenever a non-fireproof multiple dwelling is not provided with sufficient means of egress in case of fire, the department may order such additional fire-escapes or balconies as in its judgment may be deemed necessary. b. The owner of a multiple dwelling shall keep and maintain every fire-escape thereon in good order and repair. c. No person shall at any time place any encumbrance of any kind before or upon any fire-escape, or place or keep a cover of any kind over the stairway opening in a balcony of such fire-escape. An occupant or tenant of a multiple dwelling who shall violate or assist in the violation of the provisions of this paragraph shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable as provided in section three hundred four. 9. No fire-escape shall be removed from or constructed on any existing multiple dwelling without permission from the department. No fire-escape shall be removed from any apartment without due precaution against leaving occupants of such apartment without adequate means of egress in case of fire. A wire, chain cable, vertical ladder or rope fire-escape is an unlawful means of egress. Every such fire-escape, if required as a means of egress, shall be removed and replaced by a system of fire-escapes constructed and arranged as provided in this section. 10. The department shall have the power to make supplementary regulations relating to fire-escapes.