CENLAR Servicing Review

Central Loan Administration & Reporting (CENLAR) is a mortgage subservicer meaning they primarily service loans for other lenders. We uncovered phone numbers, their websites, and a link to customer complaints as well.

Central Loan Administration & Reporting (CENLAR) Website and Phone Contacts

Phone: (609) 883-3900
Toll Free: 800-223-6527

Central Loan Administration & Reporting (CENLAR) Review

“We subservice loans in all 50 states. We have serviced residential loan portfolios for over 40 years. We are flexible, meeting our clients’ needs with an array of options and complementary services that answer their requirements and the needs of their customers.

You can expect to experience a rewarding comfort level when Cenlar is your chosen subservicer.”

Since Central Loan Administration & Reporting (CENLAR) deals primarily with sub-servicing loans, you may contact them to modify your loan.

If you are facing foreclosure, you need information on just how to deal with these servicing companies and lenders to avoid foreclosure, click the link to learn more, Loan Mod Category.

We are depending on you, our readers, to let us know what you think of CENLAR’s service. Input a comment below and give us your thoughts.

Central Loan Administration & Reporting (CENLAR) Complaints

It appears when I search for complaints against Central Loan Administration & Reporting (CENLAR), there may or may not be some. Feel free to use our sidebar to search for all the Central Loan Administration & Reporting (CENLAR) complaints listed in Google or use the link.

BBB Activity on Central Loan Administration & Reporting (CENLAR)

“Based on BBB files, this business has a BBB Rating of F on a scale from A+ to F.”

“BBB processed a total of 79 complaints about this company in the last 36 months, our standard reporting period. Of the total of 79 complaints closed in 36 months, 71 were closed in the last year.”

Mortgage Company Reviews and Company Ratings on Central Loan Administration & Reporting (CENLAR)

Read visitor reviews in the comment section. The comment section holding the reviews on the company is right below. If you don’t see a comment below this means no one has completed a rating yet. You could be the first! Tell us about any problems, fraud, or scams. We would really like to hear your experience, good or bad, with this company, so add your comments by typing in what you think in the comment text box and then hit submit. Once your comment passes moderation, your review will appear.

Comment Section Rules:

1.) No Personal Contact Info In Comment (ie. phone numbers or email address).
2.) No Writing Entire Comment Using ALL CAPS (It's akin to shouting. very rude).
Any Comment Breaking Either Rule = Immediate Deletion


Tammy says:

This whole deal is a joke. My story is on here from a few months ago. I contacted everyone I could. The BBB is a joke. You make a complaint, the BBB will submit the complaint to Cenlar, Cenlar responds and the BBB sends you a letter that states that here is they’re response, you have so many day to respond or else the file will be closed. It just goes back and forth, what a joke. Every government place I contacted have never got back to me. So we all get to sit here and take all of this **** from Cenlar. Cenlar did contact me about the BBB complaint. But, long story short…I ended up having to pay what they said I was behind but I wasn’t. The harrassment from these people was getting too much for me health wise. I hate that I had to give in. Now I’m making payments with no coupon book or statement, I don’t like just sending an over thousand dollar check with nothing attached. Of course I’ve asked Cenlar several times to send me something but you know how that goes. These people need to be stopped. If all the right people could see all of these comments and the comments from the other websites, there would be a full blown investigation immediately.

Kathy Hanson says:

I was also transfered from T B & W. This Cenlar Company has been a nightmare. My mortgage has gone up almost six hundred dollars since being with them (of course I am not paying that amount). It’s the same story as those people in the other comments. I carry my own insurance, four times my agent has faxed them over the info, you talk to these arrogant people who can’t even speak English and who give you the run around. You ask a direct question and you get some foolish answer, you ask to speak to a supervisor and you are either told no or that they will tell you the same thing or they totally ignore your request. I just keep sending them the same amount that I use to send T B & W. My newest payment book is three hundred dollars less than the last payment book, however, still three hundred more than what I am supposed to be paying. I will be reporting them to the BBB. It feels good to be able to vent and know I’m not the only one they are doing this too.