Date functions allow you to convert numbers to dates, which you can then format to display as appropriate, and to convert dates to numbers.
Examples of calculations using date or date/time fields include the following:
To have the current day's date appear on a report, use the current date function. For example, to display today’s date in your report, you would write this formula:
Code SnippetSwitch to dark mode
Switch to dark mode1CurrentDate
You can add days to date fields by adding a number. For example, if you know that an order is shipped five days after the order was placed, you would find the expected ship date with this formula:
Code SnippetSwitch to dark mode
Switch to dark mode1 + 5
If was January 10, then this formula would return January 15.
You can also subtract days from date fields by subtracting a number. For example, if you want to find the number of days it took to ship an order, if the order date was five days before the ship date, you would use the formula:
Code SnippetSwitch to dark mode
Switch to dark mode1 – 5
If was January 10, then this formula would return January 5.
The most useful application of these concepts is finding the difference in days between two date fields. For example, if you want to find the number of days it took to ship an order, you would use this formula:
Code SnippetSwitch to dark mode
Switch to dark modeIf was January 20 and was January 10, then this formula would return 10 days.
Year, month, and day functions
At times, you must extract the year, month, or day portions from a date field. To accomplish this task, you would use the Year ( ), Month ( ), or Day ( ) function. For example, if you were looking for monthly trends in your ordering cycle, you could use the Month ( ) function to extract the month portion of your order date fields using this formula: