Dress Codes

In 2014, a group of students at three high schools in Fredericton, Canada, formed the Youth Feminist Collective to fight their school district’s dress code and organize against sexual assault. Tired of experiencing and witnessing what they felt were sexist disciplinary actions over what girls were wearing, the members launched a change.org petition. The petition claimed that rules around how students dress perpetuate rape culture and the organizers urged the district to abolish dress codes, implementing instead policies that help girls feel safe from violence (Youth Feminists, 2014). Members organized walkouts at their schools and demanded that the school board hear their concerns. The video they produced as part of the petition included the following statements: “I had a teacher who called herself the ‘Dress Code Nazi’ and told the girls they dressed like sluts,” “What’s so inappropriate about my thighs anyway?” And “You can’t tell a woman to cover up, you have to address the men who.