
This is not a comprehensive listing of all the Tiffany Park Handbook information. The information listed below is a compilation of most frequently requested information. You may pick up a handbook in the Tiffany Park Office for complete content.

A Message from our Principals

Dear Tiffany Park Families:

It is my great pleasure to welcome you to a new year at Tiffany Park Elementary! Tiffany Park is an exciting, culturally-rich learning community. We are committed to helping all students meet high academic and social emotional standards. We work with families to understand and design instruction to meet students’ needs. Your child will participate in rigorous reading, writing, mathematics, science, social studies, and health lessons. Your child will also experience physical education, music, and library each week. The use of technology is also a regular part of our daily instruction at Tiffany Park, so students will have multiple opportunities to engage with technological tools to enhance their learning experience. In addition, we offer many exciting extra-curricular activities throughout the year for students.

This handbook has been compiled to provide you and your child with important information regarding policies and procedures that help ensure that Tiffany Park Elementary is a safe and nurturing environment where all members of the school community feel safe and respected. We know that safety and respect grow when expectations and procedures are clear and consistently reinforced.

We look forward to meeting all of you and working with you for the success of our students. Please do not hesitate to contact us with concerns or feedback of our efforts at Tiffany Park.

Steve Lesco and Kelly Bruno
Principal and Assistant Principal

Tiffany Park Contact Information

Principal: Steve Lesco
Assistant Principal: Kelly Bruno
Office Manager: Leslee Nievaard
Attendance: Amy Vadney


Contact Number

School Nurse - Christie Holbrook

School Counselor - Julie Faulkner

Occupational Therapist - Loren Burnett

Physical Therapist – Bri Lefferts

Speech Therapist – Hilary Boser

Psychologist – Yasmin Xayarath

Food & Nutrition Services – Tara Hester, Feng Lieu
Custodians – Mark Swatman, Minh Tran

Nancy Barnes, Stacie Crites, Ashley Ferluga, Larysa Gavrilenko, Jewlie Hagen, Austin Hanger, Rosella Hem, Madonna Love, Patience Mills, Karalyn Pellegrini, Blanca Ramirez, Kidan Redda, Sofia Simone, Beth Zielinksi

Staff Specialists:

Instructional Facilitator – Sarah Baumgartner

Math Coach – Rozlynn Dance

Math Interventionist - Stephanie Ferran-Herrera

Reading Intervention Teacher – Katie Blackburn

Multi-Language Learners – Molly Moss




Contact Number



Contact Number

Emily Crawford

Claire Stiteler

Geri Scarvie

Ashley Klishak

Denise Gomes

Courtney Harrel

Bryce Thompson

Cynthia Keever Carrie Thompson

Cindy Pang-Ching

Emily Piutau Elizabeth Short

Sharon Taylor

Katie Blackburn

Rachel Vance

Kathleen Matthies

Maggie Cunningham

Shayla Hetletvedt (Itinerant)

Gardenia Romero

Tony Collins

Eric Munson (Itinerant)

School Supplies

Tiffany Park Elementary
Renton School District

Supply List

As part of continued efforts to improve Service, Excellence, and Equity for all students and families, Renton School District will provide school supplies for all elementary and middle school students starting this fall (the 2024-2025 School Year). The district will purchase the school supplies that elementary and middle school students need for learning, and families will pay a low, one-time fee of $30 ($10 for families on free/reduced lunch) for the school supplies.

Elementary School student supply list:

Pencils, Highlighters, Dividers, Large Eraser, Folders, Sticky Notes, Colored Pencils, Loose-leaf Notebook Paper (wide-rule), Washable Marker Set, Pencil Box, Pencil Caddy, Scissors, Glue Sticks, Composition Notebooks, Black Permanent Marker, Ruler, Crayons, Laptop Earbuds

School Supplies can be paid for through Online Payments.

Tiffany Park Schedule

Office Hours 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Teacher Hours 8:05 am – 3:35 pm

Monday – Thursdays:

8:15 am Student arrival (Students report to the playground or cafeteria for breakfast

8:30 am First Bell: Students transition to their classrooms

8:35 am Tardy Bell: Instruction begins promptly after the bell

3:10 pm Student Dismissal

4:00 pm Office closes (Staff development time)

Friday Late Start:

9:45 am Student arrival (Students report to the playground or cafeteria for breakfast)

10:00am First Bell: Students transition to their classrooms

10:05am Tardy Bell

3:10 pm Student Dismissal

4:00 pm Office closes

Arrivals, Departures & Supervision:

Students should NOT be arriving prior to 8:15 am as supervision is not provided prior to that time. Students eating breakfast should report to the cafeteria. All other students should report to the playground area. There is no playground access before 8:15 am on Monday – Thursday and 9:45am on Fridays.

If you must drop your child off prior to 8:10 am, before school enrichment is now provided through Right at School (please see Right at School section below for additional information).

Responding to the needs of our families, Renton School District is offering before- and after-school programs for elementary students, right at their own school. The fee-based program is part of the district's commitment to providing safe, engaging and meaningful in-school extracurricular programs to enrich the lives of students, give parents peace of mind, and enable schools to continue focus on their academic mission. For additional information or to register your child(ren), go to the Renton School District Before and After School Programs.

Sick Children - Send to School or Stay Home?

SICK CHILDREN… Send to school or stay home?

Deciding when a child is too sick to go to school can be a difficult decision for parents to make. When trying to decide, use the guidelines below and seek the advice of your health care provider.

Go to school – If your child has any of the following symptoms, they should probably go to school:
• Sniffles, a runny nose, and a mild cough without a fever.
• Vague complaints of aches, pains or fatigue.
• A single episode of diarrhea or vomiting without any other complaints.

Stay at home – If your child has any of the following symptoms, please keep your child at home or make appropriate child care arrangements:

CHICKENPOX (Varicella) - Chickenpox blisters appear in crops and are infectious until ALL blisters are dried and crusted over (usually 5-6 days after start of rash). Only then can children return to school.
COLDS - Runny nose by itself is not necessarily cause to keep your child home. Keep them home with runny nose AND a fever, bad cough, headache or nausea, or if the child is too tired or too uncomfortable to function at school.
DIARRHEA - Keep children home for three (3) or more watery stools in a 24-hour period, especially if the child acts or looks ill. Persistent diarrhea, especially if accompanied by fever and cramps, should be evaluated by your health care provider.
EARS - Drainage from the ear and/or ear pain should be evaluated by your health care provider. Untreated ear infections can cause temporary and/or permanent hearing loss.
EYES - Thick mucus, pus, or clear liquid draining from the eye may be contagious. One or both eyes may also appear extremely red and feel irritated, itchy, or painful. The eyelid may be swollen and the eye may be sensitive to light. Return to school when drainage and symptoms have cleared.
FEVER - A child must be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school. Stay home for a temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or higher within the last 24 hours.
FRACTURES OR SURGERY - Notify the school nurse for evaluation of any modifications to physical activity, length of day, mobility or transportation needs. You may be asked to provide written information from your health care provider regarding limitations and special needs.
LICE - Students may return to school after they have been treated for lice. (See head lice page for more details)
NASAL DISCHARGE (greenish) AND/OR CHRONIC COUGH - These conditions may be contagious and require treatment. Your child should be seen by your health care provider.
RASH - Any skin rash of unknown cause is considered contagious, especially with fever and itching. To return to school the rash must be gone, or you must present a medical excuse stating that the rash is not contagious.
SORE THROAT - A sore throat, especially with fever or swollen glands in the neck may be contagious. If strep throat, the child may return to school after 24 hours of appropriate treatment, if there is no fever, and they feel physically well enough.
VOMITING - Anytime a child vomits two (2) or more times, they need to be isolated from other children for 24 hours. If it happens during the night, keep them home the following day.

Inclement Weather Information

Inclement Weather Information

At times, school operating hours or school bus transportation services may be adjusted or canceled due to bad weather. If inclement weather—like snow or ice—makes a school schedule change necessary, the decision will be made by the Superintendent and communicated to families and staff by:

• Renton School District website and all school websites
• Automated phone calls and email messages from the district to families
• The district's Facebook page
• The district’s Twitter page
• Local media outlets (AM Stations: KIRO 710, KING 1090, KOMO 1000)
• Download the Renton School District mobile app to get notifications right on your phone: available free for Android, iPhone, and iPad. Download it now by searching 'Renton School District' in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store
Families and employees should ensure the school and district has their most current contact information and phone number to receive the call/email/text. Also, please remember that schools have limited phone lines and staff to answer phone calls: Please reserve calls to your student's school for those that are most urgent.

Full-day school cancellation/closing
If inclement weather causes school closure, no students or staff are expected at schools (some essential personnel will report to work). All school, after-school and community activities held in school buildings will be cancelled, including all home and away athletic events.

Delayed school opening/late start
If schools are delayed due to bad weather, all schools will open 2-hours late, unless the closure is on a Friday, then schools will run on a regular Friday 90-minute delayed-start schedule. The preschool program at Meadow Crest will be cancelled. There will be no out-of-district transportation. Depending on the severity of the weather, school buses may operate on Limited Transportation Routes and use only Emergency Bus Stops. See changes for when LIMITED TRANSPORTATION is announced:

Tiffany Park Regular Bus Stop Location:
140th Way SE & SE 154th Pl
140th Way SE & SE 158th St
140th Pl SE & SE 156th St
139th Ave SE & SE 156th St
SE 158th St & SE 159th Pl

SE 18th Pl & Lincoln Cir SE Rolling Hills Ave SE & SE 16th Pl
SE 16th Pl & Kennewick Ct SE

Tiffany Park Emergency Bus Stop Locations:
140th Way SE & SE 158th St.
Rolling Hills Ave. SE & SE 16th Pl.

School Wide Expectations

Successful Tiffany Park Tigers always PAWS:
Act Responsibly
Work Together
Support Each Other

Tiffany Park Elementary School promotes a positive learning environment. We believe students need to be taught and have opportunities to practice appropriate social and personal behaviors. It is important for them to respect themselves as well as others. Their behaviors should not infringe upon anyone’s right to learn, including their own. When at school, students must receive clear expectations that are equitably and consistently reinforced, recognized when they meet those expectations. Our goal is to help students learn self-management techniques that will serve them in any environment, academically or socially.

The Tiffany Park staff is committed to:

  1. Teach students appropriate behavior options.
  2. Provide opportunities to practice these skills in safe spaces.
  3. Recognize students for appropriate behavior choices.
  4. Support students in determining and utilizing appropriate behaviors.
  5. Address behaviors that may harm or show disrespect to themselves, staff, or other students.

Tiffany Park is committed to recognizing and honoring students who display appropriate behaviors. Students seen acting in accordance to the Tiffany Park Paws behavior expectations will be given a “Tiger PAWS” coupon. There will be a Tiger PAWS grade level drawing on Tuesday mornings. Students’ names will be shared during morning announcements and those students will receive a popsicle during lunch. Tiger PAWS will be combined by grade level and each grade level will work towards a student selected grade level recognition when their grade level bin is full. The whole school will also work towards a schoolwide goal.

We also understand at times students need more opportunities and additional support to learn expected behaviors. Because Tiffany Park embraces a positive behavior intervention approach, we will work to support your student in a variety of ways in collaboration with you. When needed, you will see attached referral form that helps provide information as to what happened and how it was addressed. We thank you ahead of time for your partnership and support to help your child succeed.




Act Responsibly

Work Together

Support Each Other

Bus Zone, Pick up/ Drop off

Stay on the sidewalk.

Keep hands/feet to self.

Bus riders stay in line unless you have ADULT permission to leave.

Walk directly to bus or pick up area.

Walkers go directly home.

Follow patrol directions to and from school.

Follow staff directions to and from class.

Keep hands off patrol equipment.

Use sidewalks and crosswalks.


Voices OFF during school day.

Level 2 voice exiting at dismissal time.

Walk single file and avoid interrupting.

Carry a hall pass when passing/transition.

Keep hands away from walls and doors.

Stay on the right-hand side of the hallway.

Walk directly to designated destination.

Enter/exit into hallway areas when directed.

Walk at all times.

Keep hands/feet to self, away from others.

Keep outside doors closed.


Use level 0 voice in line.

Use level 2 voice at the lunch table.

Use kind words and table manners.

Clean table/floor area.

Keep food in cafeteria.

(Close popcorn bags before leaving.)

Follow cafeteria staff directions and requests.

Raise your hand for permission for leaving seat or cafeteria.

Keep your hands and feet to self.

Walking feet at all times.

Eat your own food.


Be quick and quiet.

Give others privacy.

Keep floors and walls clean.

Use only as much paper towel and toilet paper as necessary.

Use sinks and toilets appropriately, flush.

Use a pass to go to the restroom.

Use restrooms for relieving bodily needs, not social purposes.

One person per stall.

Wash hands with soap.

Keep floors dry.


Use kind words and actions, asking politely to join a game.

Share, take turns.

Keep food, drinks, candy, gum off all playground areas.

Use Level 2 voices near classroom windows.

Use school equipment appropriately and return when finished/recess ends.

Use only school equipment.

Ask for a hall pass to enter the building.

Keep play areas clean.

Listen and be respectful to playground teacher instructions.

Follow school game rules.

Line up after the first bell ring at designated spot, joining at the end of the line.

Avoid play-fighting or tag.

Play in designated areas and run only on grassy field.

Ask permission to retrieve equipment.

Keep hands/feet to self, give space.


Show active listening
(eyes forward, ears listening, voices quiet).

Clap when appropriate.

Sit crisscross on the floor or appropriately on chairs.

Enter and exit quietly.

Respond immediately to “GIVE ME 5” quiet signal.

Listen for directions.

Keep hands, feet, and body to oneself.

Important Reminders

FERPA - Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act:

Both parents/guardians (unless the school has a court order or other legal document that specifically revokes these rights) have the right as described in Renton School District Policy 3231 (available in each school office) to inspect and review education records. School staff will consider requests to amend the student’s education records to ensure that they are not inaccurate, misleading or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy or other rights according to procedures outlined in Policy 3231.

Directory information related to students may be released unless the parent/guardian or student who is over 18 indicates in writing that such information is not to be released without prior consent. Such information shall not be released in any case for commercial reasons. Directory information means information contained in an education record of a student which would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed. Directory information includes, but is not limited to, the student’s name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, and dates of attendance. In addition, photographs of students for public information purposes are included. Personally identifiable information (except as listed above) will not be released without prior written consent of the parent/guardian or adult student except to specific agencies as listed in Renton School District Policy 3231.

Student records in any form, including information stored electronically, shall be managed by the district in accordance with applicable law. Student records shall be released to another school upon the student’s enrollment there.

HIB – Harassment, Intimidation & Bullying Prevention:

The Renton School District provides annual training on bullying prevention to all staff and students each year. Bullying allegations are taken very seriously. Students will be disciplined for harassing, intimidating, or bullying. Disciplinary actions range from conferences and peer mediation to suspension or expulsion, depending upon severity.

What is Bullying?
Washington State law defines harassment, intimidation, or bullying as any intentionally written message or image—including those that are electronically transmitted—verbal, or physical act, including but not limited to one shown to be motivated by race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, including gender expression or identity, mental or physical disability, or other distinguishing characteristics, when an act:
• Physically harms a student or damages the student’s property.
• Has the effect of substantially interfering with a student’s education.
• Is so severe, persistent or pervasive that it creates an intimidating or threatening educational environment.
• Has the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school.
• Schools are required to take action if students report they are being bullied.
What should parents do if their child reports bullying to them at home?
Contact the school principal immediately. The principal will make sure there is an investigation and appropriate corrective action when necessary.

Where can parents and community members get more information on HIB?
Washington State Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) has a School Safety Center website with a lot of great resources and links: http://www.k12.wa.us/SafetyCenter/default.aspx
The United States government has a website called Stop Bullying which also has free resources, webinars, and videos: http://www.stopbullying.gov/

Student Guidelines & Expectations

All policies and procedures of the Renton School District may be found and accessed at the following website: http://www.rentonschools.us/Page/129.

Please note that we provide annual notice regarding the policies and procedures listed below to all students and families. This document constitutes our annual notice, such that if you have additional concerns or need more information, you may access the most up-to-date information using the link above.

Policy and Procedure 3205 – Sexual Harassment of Students Prohibited

Policy and Procedure 3207 – Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying

Policy and Procedure 3210 – Nondiscrimination and Harassment-Free Environment

Policy and Procedure 3240 – Student Conduct Expectations and Reasonable Sanctions

Policy and Procedure 3241 – Classroom Management, Discipline and Corrective Action

Policy and Procedure 4200 – Safe and Orderly Learning Environment

Policy 4210 – Regulation of Dangerous Weapons on School Premises

Policy 4215 – Use of Tobacco and Nicotine Substances

Instructional Technology Responsible Use Policy (See Below)

Renton School District Responsible Use Policy (RUP)
Students and Families: PLEASE READ THIS TOGETHER

Statement of Purpose:
Renton School District teachers and students use technology and internet-based tools in their classrooms on a regular basis to support student learning and prepare students to engage in the rapidly changing world. These technologies improve student communication and collaboration skills, provide an authentic audience, and extend learning beyond the classroom walls while building digital citizenship skills. Student access to technology requires responsible, courteous, efficient, and legal use. Our goal in providing access to these resources is to enhance learning experiences and to educate students in responsible and appropriate use. It is important that students and parents recognize that information posted on the internet is public, permanent, and needs to be appropriate.

Terms of Agreement:
1. I agree to follow teachers’/building/district instructions when using technology.
2. I agree to be polite, considerate, and to use appropriate language.
3. I agree to report and/or help prevent any bullying, abuse, or harm of others.
4. I agree to tell an adult if I read, see, or access something inappropriate, or if I witness inappropriate use of technology.
5. I agree to adhere with all filters and security measures.
6. I agree to use technology carefully and to conserve district resources.
7. I agree not to share my passwords, except with my teacher or parent/guardian (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act or FERPA).
8. I agree to use only my own files and folders. I will not access another individual’s files and folders without his/her permission.
9. I agree not to reveal or post personal information belonging to myself or another person (i.e., passwords, addresses, or telephone numbers).
10. I agree to adhere to copyright laws.
11. I agree to follow the technology check-out process.

Adhering to Federal, State and, local laws, Renton School District will protect student and employee data. However, I understand that my use of any district technology (computer, network, internet, resources, etc.) will be monitored and is neither private nor confidential to district/authorized personnel. I understand that if I violate this agreement, the district’s policies and procedures, or my student handbook, I may not be allowed to continue to use technology or I may receive other appropriate consequences.

Cross-References/Guiding Reference/ Guiding Policies/ Policies
Board Policy: 2022 Instruction-Technology Resources

International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) NETS standards:

1. Creativity and Innovation
2. Research and Information Fluency
3. Communication and Collaboration
4. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
5. Digital Citizenship
6. Technology Operations and Concepts

Educational Technology Essential Academic Learning Requirements (EALRS):
1. EALR 1 Integration
a. Innovate
b. Collaborate
c. Investigate and Think Critically
2. EALR 2 Digital Citizenship
a. Practice Safety
b. Operate Systems
c. Select and Use Applications
d. Adapt to Change (Technology Fluency)

Homework Policy


The Renton School District Policy 2422 states that the School Board believes that homework is a useful tool in the teaching/learning process when geared to the needs and abilities of students. Purposeful assignments not only enhance student achievement but also develop self-discipline and associated good working habits. As an extension of the classroom, homework must be planned and organized, and must be viewed as purposeful to the students. At the very least, teachers should provide feedback to students regarding their level of success in competing the homework task. At the most desired level, students should be provided opportunities to rework homework assignments that were considered below expectations.

If homework is assigned, it must be assigned for one or more of the following purposes:

A. Practice – to help students to master specific skills that have been presented in class;
B. Preparation – to help students gain the maximum benefits from future lessons;
C. Extension – to provide opportunities to transfer skills or concepts to new situations;
D. Creativity – to integrate many skills and concepts in order to produce original responses.

The following homework expectations have been established at Tiffany Park to align with the above policy and the general homework beliefs held by the staff at Tiffany Park. We believe homework should be considered an extended practice of what has been already learned in the classroom and must be appropriate for the developmental age of students in each grade.

Literacy (daily practice)

Math (topics to review)


5-10 minutes – Letters, sight words

Counting/Telling Numbers, Shapes

10-15 minutes a day – Word families

15-20 minutes a day – Vowel sounds

Adding/Subtracting, Place Value

20-25 minutes 4 days/week

Multiplication/Division, Fractions, Figures/Shapes

20-30 minutes 4 days/week

Factors/Multiples, Fraction Ordering/ Equivalence, Decimals, Lines/Angles

20-30 minutes 4 days/week

Numerical Expressions, Place Value (hundredths), Equivalent Fractions, Add/Subtract/Multiply/Divide Fractions, Volume, Coordinate Plane

Absent students are expected to use available opportunities to make up work missed in class to maintain academic progress.

Additional Information


ATTENDANCE (425) 204-4855

School Instruction begins at 8:35 AM. At 8:15 AM students may access the breakfast program. At 8:15 students may play on the playground. The first bell rings at 8:27 AM for students to line up in the undercover area. At 8:30 a second bell rings for students to be escorted to classes.


Regular and punctual attendance is extremely important to your child's success in school. However, when absences or late arrivals are necessary, please do the following:

1. Parents and Guardians must call the attendance line (425-204-4855) to report a child's absence from school. Please give the following information:

· Child’s full name and teacher

· Date(s) of absence

· Reason for absence

Absences default to unexcused until an excused absence is verified by a parent or guardian. If we do not receive a morning call, we will attempt to reach you to verify the child's whereabouts.

2. When the child returns to school, please send a note with him/her explaining the reason for the absence or late arrival, including the dates involved and the parent/ guardian’s signature. Parents should be expected to provide documentation of an excused absence within 48 hours.

3. Any absence that is or exceeds 3 hours will be counted as a full day absence. This includes absences at the beginning or end of the school day.


The following are valid excuses for absences, to be verified through appropriate documentation:

· Participation in a state, district, school approved activity or instructional program;

· Illness, health condition or medical appointment

· Family emergency, including a death or illness in family;

· Religious/cultural purpose: observance of a religious/cultural holiday or participation in religious/cultural instruction;

· Principal and parent, guardian, or emancipated youth mutually agreed upon approved activity;

· Absence resulting from a disciplinary action (e.g., short-term or long-term suspension, emergency expulsion).

· Any absence that is 3 hours or more in length will be counted as a full day absence. This includes absences at the beginning or end of the school day.


Any absence from school for an entire school day or a majority of a school day is unexcused unless it meets one of the criteria above. When a student has 10 unexcused absences we are obligated to report these to the school district and begin proceedings to file a Becca petition.

Absences requested by parent/guardian based on travel or significant lifetime events must submit a written request to the principal prior to the absence. Absences that exceed 3 days need to complete an Extended Absence Permission Contract. All school work must be completed and returned to the teacher upon return for the absence to be excused.

Washington’s truancy law, “Becca Bill,” is intended to stop truancy before it becomes a problem. If a student does not attend school, the law requires school districts to act:

· 3 Unexcused absences – After 2 nd absence, the school is required to schedule a conference with the family to develop a plan to reduce absenteeism.

· 5 excused absences in a month, 10 excused – School may take stronger steps including filing a petition with King Co Superior Court, enter written truancy agreement with family, or other reasonable action.

· 7 unexcused absences in a month, 10 unexcused – Court action requires school district to file a petition in Superior Court with juvenile court for truancy.


Students are NOT to arrive at school before 8:15. The only exception to this is students who are on school safety patrol, or participate in a special school activity. Gates to the playground will be unlocked at 8:15 AM. Students will be supervised on the playground until the line up bell rings at 8:27. At 8:30 students are escorted to their classroom.


Please plan ahead so your child arrives at school between 8:15 AM 8:35AM. Students who are tardy must report to the office to receive an admit slip. The student needs to bring a note of explanation for the tardy. This assures us that you are aware of the late arrival.


It is important for students to remain in school the entire school day. Early dismissal absences are excused for the same reasons as regular school absences or late arrivals; otherwise student early dismissals are considered unexcused. If your child is to be dismissed before the regular time, please send a note of explanation at the beginning of the school day.

We ask that you refrain from asking for students to be dismissed early during the last 30 minutes of the school day UNLESS IT IS AN EMERGENCY. Students needing an early dismissal should be picked up no later than 2:45PM. The last half hour of the school day includes important in class activities that should not be disrupted with early dismissal requests. We also ask that you let us know early in the day if your students normally ride a bus and is not to ride a bus on a particular day.

PLEASE REMEMBER! Students should NEVER leave school for any reason during the day without checking out through the office.


Students in grades 4-5 may ride bikes/scooters to school with parent permission AND Bicycle/Scooter Registration Form completed. Students must wear helmets and lock bikes/scooters to the bicycle rack during the school day.

The transportation department provides a publication on rules and regulations regarding student behavior/conduct.

They also present an emergency safety drill rehearsal for all students. Upon receiving the rules, you are encouraged to review the guidelines and procedures with your child. Please call 425-204-4455 with questions.


PLEASE DO NOT PARK IN BUS LOADING ZONES. Upon arrival, students unload in the bus loading zone. Upon dismissal, bus students report to the bus loading zone at the front of the building and line up in the designated lanes.


If students need to ride a bus they usually do not ride, or if they are to get off at a different bus stop, an explanation signed by a parent must be brought to the office. We will then issue a bus pass that allows a student to board.


Many Tiffany Park students enjoy celebrating their birthday with their classmates. Teachers have discretion for how they recognize birthdays in their classroom and most teachers acknowledge birthdays that occur during the school year and during school/summer vacations. To provide a consistent birthday experience for our students and to account for food allergies we DO NOT PERMIT BIRTHDAY TREATS. Students and families may provide small, non-consumable birthday treats to the entire class. Please consult with the teacher regarding what you plan to bring. Other birthday party items, such as single balloons or balloon bouquets, party hats, and noise makers are NOT permitted. These items distract from our learning environment and are more appropriate for home celebrations.


Communication is a two-way process between you and your school. In general, it is best to take care of any matter by contacting the person who is most directly involved. If you need contact information for someone, please ask.


Cell phones are permitted but must be kept TURNED OFF and in the student’s backpack during the school day.


Parent-teacher conferences are very important and serve two purposes. They are a way of mutually sharing information about a child's development and a way of reporting student progress to the student’s family. A formal reporting conference is held in November in conjunction with the fall report card. Additional conferences may be requested by parents, teachers or the principal.

Students should dress appropriately for activities in which they are expected to participate. Shoes must be worn at all times and tennis shoes are recommended for P.E. (No Heely’s or flip-flops.) Shirts must cover the stomach and chest. No spaghetti straps. If a student's attire causes a disruption to the educational program, parents will be notified and a change of clothing will be requested. Students heads should be uncovered in the building.

For safety reasons, clothing and accessories associated with gang dress are not acceptable on campus. Examples include sagging pants, hanging belt, sports cap worn sideways or backwards, bandannas, or clothing with the manufacturers label hanging. The list will change as gang trends change. Other unacceptable types include: clothing associated with death, reference to the devil, tobacco, drugs or alcohol and any foul language.

Students may be outside even if it rains. Please be sure your child has warm outer clothing for recess for cool weather.


Make sure your school has your primary phone number for emergency phone calls. Our school and the district uses a phone messaging system to call, email and/or text parents of school closures, emergencies or other changes to the school day. The system also provides parents with information on student absences and tardiness. To ensure you receive these important notices, please make sure your school has your most recent primary phone number and email address.


Field trips are class experiences away from the school that are an extension of the academic program. Parents are welcome and encouraged to help chaperone on these outings. For safety reasons, Washington State Patrol Form must be cleared for ALL volunteers before attending. Forms are available in the office and take about 2 weeks to process.


If your child has lost something, please have him/her check to see if it has been turned in.


School telephones are used for daily business purposes. Student use will be limited to emergencies only. All arrangements for after-school activities should be made before coming to school.


Students may bring their lunch from home or purchase lunch and/or milk from our cafeteria.

School Meals

School breakfast and lunch are FREE for all students at Tiffany Park.

Breakfast Program: Beginning at 8:15 AM each day, students will have the opportunity to report to the cafeteria for a hot breakfast option. There is NO COST for breakfast. This is the same breakfast program that has been ongoing at Tiffany Park.

Tiffany Park will also be implementing Breakfast After the Bell this school year. The Washington Kids Ready to Learn Act of 2018 requires that Breakfast After the Bell Programs be offered at specified schools based off their building free/reduced or CEP free claiming percentage levels. The ultimate goal is to remove barriers to school breakfast participation and to ensure that all students have access to a morning meal each day. If a student misses or choose not to participate in the before-school breakfast option, they can receive a sack breakfast with shelf-stable food in their classroom. Students can only receive 1 breakfast option each day for free. Students who participate in both breakfast options will receive a charge on their lunch account that families are responsible for paying, regardless of free and reduced lunch status.

Free/Reduced Priced Meals:

Under provisions of the National School Lunch Act, free or reduced breakfast and lunches are available to children of families who qualify at no charge for the school year. An application for Free and Reduced priced meals are sent home with your student. A new application form MUST be submitted each school year. Please complete only ONE application per household and list all Renton School District students on the application. If you have questions regarding the application, please call Nutrition Services (425) 204-3545.


A child entering kindergarten must be 5 years of age on or before August 31 st of the school year in which he/she enters. Proof of age, a birth certificate, is required upon registration. A child entering first grade must be 6 years of age on or before August 31 of the school year in which he/she enters, or have completed a successful year of kindergarten in a school accredited by the State Board of Education while residing in a district other than Renton.


Federal law and school district regulations allow schools to release directory-type information (student name, address, phone, date/place of birth, dates of attendance, awards received and previous schools) to such agencies as school news or PTA's UNLESS PARENTS NOTIFY THE SCHOOL OF THEIR WISHES TO THE CONTRARY. Information other than Directory Information is considered confidential.


Students are not to bring toys, valuable jewelry, gaming devices, music players, tablets, etc. Items of these types become stolen, lost, and can be a distraction in the school’s operation. Permanent markers, white out or correction type markers, trading cards, stickers, gum and candy also become a problem. Because of the danger of loss, students are not to bring more money to school than is needed during the school day. If expensive items are brought to school, the Renton School District is not liable or responsible for them.



Weapons prohibited on school property.

State law RCW 9.41.280 states that it is unlawful for any person to carry or possess a dangerous weapon or firearm on public school premises. Firearms/weapons are not allowed in school; at school-sponsored activities; on school grounds or facilities; or on school-provided transportation. If a student brings a firearm/weapon to school, it will result in an immediate expulsion for no less than one calendar year, and notification of law enforcement and parents. Expulsions can be modified on a case-by-case basis pursuant to hearing provisions of Ch. 392-400 WAC. The confidential Renton School District weapons hotline is 425.204.2468.

Renton School District policy also prohibits laser pens and objects that look like weapons, such as toy guns and knives. Students and staff who are aware of weapons on campus need to report the information to school authorities.


A child referred to the principal for possession, use or sale of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and acts that are a serious concern for individuals or the school will result in immediate suspension. Students who bring weapons or firearms to school can expect to be expelled.

ANIMALS ON THE PLAYGROUND Please do not bring any pets to the school or playground, even if it is on a leash.


Parents are always welcome to visit your child’s classes. The Renton School District has established guidelines to permit visitors to observe educational programs with minimal disruption and ensure the safety of students.

Visitors desiring to visit a classroom must inform the principal or designees at least 24 hours prior to the date of the visit, unless mutually agreeable to the classroom teacher and principal or designee. No individual visitor should make more than 3 visits a month to a classroom unless agreed upon by the teacher and principal.

Visitors are encouraged to share the purpose for the visit so that optimum assistance can be provided. If the purpose of the visit is to observe learning and teaching activities, the visitor is asked to confer with the teacher before or after the observation to enhance understanding of the activities.

Before going to the classroom, all visitors must stop in the office to sign in and pick up a visitor’s pass.

Classroom visitations must not detract from planned activities by refraining from distracting, commenting on, or making requests while in the classroom. Visitors should participate in activities when requested to do so by teacher.

Visitors will not use equipment to record classroom activities unless the teacher has given specific permission.

The number of visitors at any one time for a classroom may not exceed 2 people unless visits are in conjunction with an invitation for a special classroom event.

We hope all parents will have an opportunity to visit your child’s classroom.


Students are not allowed to bring friends or relatives to visit them during the school day.


For safety reasons, volunteers will be required to fill out a Washington State Patrol Clearance Form which must be processed for clearance of ALL volunteers. The clearance is valid for two years and is required by law.


WALKING SAFETY Please review the guidelines with your child.

1. Go directly to and from school.

2. Cross at crosswalks with the safety patrol.

3. Walk on the left side of the road facing traffic.

4. Do not accept rides, candy, or anything from strangers.

5. Do not provide directions to a stranger.

6. If your child is bothered on the way to or from school, tell him/her to notify the office immediately.

7. Do not let your dog follow you to school.

8. Make sure the way to school is the safest way.

9. Look both ways, up and down the street and around the corner, and listen for cars before crossing.

10. Cross only at corners or in a crosswalk.

11. Never walk between cars parked on the street

12. Students line up for their bus at the designated stop and wait their turn to board.


When dropping off or picking up your child at school, please do not park in the area reserved for the school busses. There is a designated parking lot for parents and visitors.


Our school’s student safety patrol will be on duty before and after school. They supervise students crossing at designated crosswalks close to our school campus.


Please keep us informed if your child has any health concerns we should be aware of, such as bee stings, specific allergies, etc. Each fall parents are requested to fill out forms alerting us to any health concerns of their children.


Our school has a registered nurse responsible for conducting health screening and notifying parents of further medical evaluation, assisting with individual medical concerns, and helping coordinate services between home and other health agencies. The nurse assesses medical problems at school, supervises health room procedures, consults, instructs on health-related issues but is at the school a limited number of days each week and on call for emergencies.

Due to limited facilities for the care of ill or injured children, we must have up-to-date information about what parents would like us to do in case of an emergency.

Please be sure the school has an EMERGENCY NUMBER and current contact number where you or a designated adult may be reached.


Please notify the school nurse/office if your child contracts any communicable disease (i.e. chicken pox, scabies, lice, ringworm, impetigo, hepatitis, measles, etc.). Confidentiality will be respected and we appreciate the opportunity to control any further spread of the disease in the classroom.


Head lice are an occasional annoyance for children in schools. Please check your child’s head every few weeks for signs of lice. It is easier to tackle the issue when lice are found early.

Inspect your child’s head and hair, particularly around the ears and at the nape of the neck. Look for:

· Intense itching and/or red marks on the scalp

· Tiny oval whitish eggs (nits). Nits are tightly attached to the hair and will not flake off like dandruff or hair product.

· Live lice – See the links below for pictures of lice.

To prevent lice, instruct your children not to share combs, brushes, or clothing. Lice do not jump or fly from one person to another. They are transmitted only by close contact with persons or articles such as hats, brushes, combs, pillows, coats, etc. which contain the lice or nits on them.

If you find nits or lice on your child’s head, several steps are needed to get rid of them including correctly using a FDA-approved lice hair treatment, nit removal and washing all articles in contact with hair in hot water.

If you find your child has lice, please inform the office staff at school so that school lice procedures can be followed. Bring your child to the school office to be checked prior to returning to the classroom. It is also helpful to inform the adults in charge of other children with whom your child has close contact, such as close friends, daycare, sports teams or youth groups. Consult your child’s health care provider if you do not have success treating the lice with over-the-counter products.

For more information, visit:

Seattle King County Public Health

Washington Department of Health

Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Renton School District


Hearing screening, vision screening for distance viewing problems and dental screening are done annually. If your child is in need of a medical referral, the school nurse will contact you and provided assistance if needed.


If your child’s temperature is 100 degrees or higher OR they are vomiting, they MAY NOT remain at school. Be sure we have an emergency number for your child in the event you are not available to receive the call.

Before sending your student to school, be sure your child is feeling well enough to participate in the full school program, including recess and P.E. When returning after an illness, they should be free of a fever (without use of fever-reducing medication) for at least 24 hours before returning.


Washington State law requires that all students K-12 must be fully immunized before they can attend school. Required Immunizations are: diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus (DPT), polio, measles (rubella) and rubella (three-day/German measles). Two doses measles, 1 dose Rubella, and 1 dose Mumps are required to enter kindergarten and first, and second grade. Three doses of Hepatitis B for all Kindergarten, first, second, third and fifth graders.

The law states that parents must fill out and sign a certificate of immunization status form giving the month, day and year of each dose of vaccine. When a student lacks full immunization, we require evidence of initiation of the immunization schedule or a signed exemption for medical, personal or religious reasons. Fifth graders are required to have a second measles shot on entry to the sixth grade.


Medication includes both prescription and non-prescription (over the counter) drugs.

· Medications are allowed at school only when brought in their original container at time of purchase.

· All medication (even Tylenol, aspirin, cough syrup) must be registered with the school nurse and kept in the clinic.

· The law requires schools to have a written request from the parent/guardian and instructions from a physician or dentist for any medication to be taken at school. This includes over the counter drugs.


The District provides a variety of special programs and services at our School. Before any Special Education program is considered, parental involvement and permission is requested to explore ways to help the child with his/her academic or behavioral needs.


Tiffany Park operates its services, programs and activities in a manner that provides ready accessibility to disabled individuals, including access to facilities.

Concerns about accessibility should be directed to the Principal, 1601 Lake Youngs Way SE, Renton, WA 98058 and 425-204-4850, which shall be promptly addressed. The Assistant Superintendent for Learning and Teaching, Dr. Shannon Harvey, is designated as the Renton School District ADA compliance officer, and can be reached at 425.204.2318.

Behavioral Disabled Program

Children whose behavior continually interferes with instruction may be assigned to a behavior class at one of our special education classrooms in the district designed to address emotional and behavior disabilities should they qualify for special education services through our special education referral process. Emphasis is upon developing appropriate behaviors for the classroom and school settings.

Moderately Impaired Special Education Program

Some of our schools have a specially designed and equipped facility for students that need special care due to their physical limitations. Staff is trained to meet students' individual needs.

Physical/Occupational/Speech Therapists Children with fine, gross motor development, communication, or language needs can be tested to receive therapy.

Primary School Counselor

The program helps students to improve self-esteem and/or peer interaction skills. Students are referred by teachers, parents and/or principal.

Resource Room Program

Specially designed instruction is provided for eligible students in 1 or more basic skills areas. Students remain in their regular classes most of the school day and are pulled out for areas of needed assistance.

School Psychologist

The school psychologist provides a variety of services including: psychological testing (determining a student’s academic ability level to his/her performance level), classroom observations, parent education, referral to outside agencies, writing reports to parents and teachers, etc.

Head Start/Early Childhood Education

Children need to be 4 years old by August 31, 2023, meet low income criteria, and live in the Renton School District. For more information, call 204-2200. Head start is a quality preschool experience at no cost for low income families.

Discovery Program (Gifted Child Program)

Children who excel academically and/or who display strong creativity may qualify for the Discovery Program located at Talbot Hill and Kennydale Elementary.

Multilingual Learner Program – ML
Our school provides the English as a Second Language Program (ESL) for ML students (Multilingual Learner) to help students who have recently immigrated to the United States develop and apply English language skills to academic content. ML students are identified through ML testing.

Title I and Learning Assistance Programs (LAP)

Our school is a School-wide Title I school. This allows us to provide extra support in reading and mathematics to all students.

As a parent of a Title I student in the Renton School District, you have the right to know the professional qualifications of the classroom teachers who instruct your child. Federal law allows you to ask for certain information about your child’s classroom teachers and requires us to provide it in a timely manner. Specifically, you have the right to ask for the following information about each of your child’s teachers:

· Whether the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) has licensed or qualified the teacher for the grades/subjects he or she teaches.

· Whether OSPI has decided that the teacher can teach in a classroom without being licensed or qualified under state regulations because of special circumstances.

· The teacher’s college major; whether the teacher has any advanced degrees and, if so, the subject of the degrees.

· Whether any para-educators provide instructional services to your child and, if they do, their qualifications.

If you would like to receive any of this information, please call Sheila Redick, Assistant Superintendent: Human Resources, (425)204-2370

Tiffany Park Elementary School PTA

Our PTA plays a vital role in enhancing the quality of education at Tiffany Park Elementary by sponsoring special programs, teacher grants and service events for our students. Please support our PTA with your membership and participation. Please visit the Tiffany Park PTA website to view general meetings and other events. Please contact Lindsay Clark, PTA President, with your questions or comments.

Tiffany Park PTA e-mail

PTA Sponsored Activities and Events include:

Reflections Art Contest | Back to School Meet & Greet | Reading & Math Nights | Emergency Equipment | Staff Appreciation | Classroom Field trips | 5 th grade Camp | Fall Carnival | Spring Social | Popcorn Sales | STEAM Night